My name is Scott, and I’m a recovering perfectionist

Alcoholics Anonymous Spanish in Oklahoma City

I wanted to leave my subject line as “…and I’m a perfectionist,” a la Alcoholics Anonymous or other similar recovery programs.  However, I was afraid that at a glance it would come off really pompous – more like “I’m perfect” instead of “I’m a perfectionist.”  So here we are.


Growing up, I feel like it was mostly pretty easy to be a perfectionist.  My life was fairly simple, without too many moving parts, and no one of the parts was so complex that I couldn’t strive for something close to perfect.  My perfectionist attitude served me well in many aspects of my life, resulting in a high level of success and enjoyment in school, sports, music, and other activities.


About the only major frustration I associate with my perfectionism growing up was the complete disconnect between my expectations and my abilities for art projects.  I was and am a horrible artist, and I’m pretty sure I cried and whined enough to my mom that she usually helped me to make my projects look the way I want them.  Lesson learned . . . or perhaps not learned, depending on which lesson I was supposed to be taught 🙂


As life went on and became more complex and less controllable, I had several experiences (read: borderline meltdowns) that made me realize I could either keep trying to control and perfect everything and die of a heart attack at age 40, or learn to choose my battles and hopefully be an overall happier and healthier person while still maintaining a high level of performance in my daily endeavors.


So again, here I am, in the process of learning to choose my battles and balance high precision with low stress.  Actually, one large factor that led to my owning a Costco practice was trying to simplify my life so I wouldn’t go crazy trying to control too many things!  As much as I try not to let my own personal brand of crazy affect those with whom I interact, I do occasionally struggle to know when to stop asking “Which is better – 1 or 2?” in pursuit of that most-perfect of all glasses prescriptions.  Please just know that I’m aware of the potential panic attack I  may induce within YOU, and I will try to ask only as many questions as I need to get a prescription I know you will like 🙂




Read These Posts!

English: U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps shows off...

For the first time in a LONG time, I browsed through my blog and came across a stats sheet displaying the most and least popular posts.  I was surprised to see that some of my favorite posts had garnered some of the least attention, and I determined to make things right!

In a reaching attempt to provide continuity between the picture above (3 medals) and my list below (3 posts), here’s are a few neglected and – if I do say so myself – pretty excellent posts that I really think you should check out.  Even if you’ve read them before, I’ve made a couple updates here and there (especially on the dailies post), so take a moment to re-educate yourself on your eyes 🙂

1) Allergy Season is Here!

2) Why I love the Optomap (and you should, too!)

3) Why you should consider daily disposable soft contacts