Give your eyes a break!

English: Scombroid food poisoning Français : S...

For better or worse, as an eye doctor I am not immune to eye problems (shock!).  In fact, much of my initial interest in the field was due to the fact that I’d worn glasses and contacts since I was ten years old.  To this day, many of my opinions on different eye treatments or products come from my own personal experience treating my own eye issues!


During a recent family ski trip, I experienced some pretty significant eye irritation (above picture is not me, btw).  Wind blowing through my ski goggles, swimming every day with the boys, and waking up at night to deal with a fussy baby all conspired to give me red, dry eyes.  Although I was able to get the symptoms more or less under control with a mix of drops I’d brought along, I knew the underlying problem was still present.


This eye irritation continued even after arriving home, up until a couple of days later, when it magically seemed to stop.  Having not used any eye drops the previous couple of days, I reflected on potential sources of improvement, and I realized the answer was pretty simple: between a couple of short naps over the weekend and a great night’s sleep the previous night, I was better slept than I had been for several weeks!


Exposure-induced dry eyes are a major issue these days, especially with the high rate of computer and smartphone use, and especially here in the dry Mountain West.  Studies have shown that our blink rate decreases to 1/2 or even 1/3 of normal when we’re staring at a computer screen, and that leaves our eyes exposed to the dry air.  Although we live in a society that seems to want to treat all medical issues with medicine or surgery (soapbox alert) – as opposed to lifestyle changes – often there truly is nothing like a good night’s sleep to give our eyes the protection and the break they need!